Monday, March 30, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutors Are Part of a Teaching Community

Organic Chemistry Tutors Are Part of a Teaching CommunityAn organic chemistry tutor may have a reputation of being skeptical, and they certainly don't fit into the traditional image of the professor. But that does not mean they are all that bad.The organic chemistry tutor is a part of a larger teaching community, and they definitely have the same needs for education as their counterpart in a traditional classroom. They are expected to deliver quality work, but there are ways to ensure that your students will not be offended by this. Here are some tips that will help you succeed as an organic chemistry tutor.Use some common sense and keep it simple when teaching, especially if you are an organic chemistry tutor. The level of detail required will vary from student to student, so you do not need to spend a large amount of time on the material. Use your free time to learn new material that will come up, but do not be afraid to move on to something else. The more interesting material that you have the easier it will be for your students to pay attention.Create a teaching environment that will allow you to teach, rather than discourage you from your organic chemistry tutor role. The experience level of your students will play a part in the atmosphere you create, so make sure that the classroom setting is appropriate for your students. Using tools like projector lights or ambient light will help.Make sure you have access to up-to-date teaching resources, which will give you the knowledge you need to give your students a chance to succeed. However, be careful about forcing your own beliefs onto the environment, because everyone has different views and some students will think differently than others.An organic chemistry tutor is most effective when they know how to balance their learning with the other elements of their life. A tutor should set aside time for themselves, and they should understand that there are responsibilities that go along with that. Try to find som ething to do during the day that you can work on and that your students will enjoy.Organic chemistry tutors should remember that most people will want to learn something new, so they should welcome the opportunity to share their knowledge. Of course, they will have expectations of you, so you need to be sure that you are giving them the information that they need to be successful.Teaching an organic chemistry tutor can be a great experience, but they need to be able to take responsibility for the way they teach and the atmosphere they create. Following these guidelines will make sure that they are ready to help your students understand this fascinating subject matter.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Instructor Spotlight Sherman Liu

Instructor Spotlight Sherman Liu Instructor Spotlight: Sherman Liu Meet Sherman and Margaret Liu. They are the proud owners of Kumon of Nutley (New Jersey). The minute that I walked into their Center, I immediately felt their dedication to not only their students, but also their community. Their Kumon Center isn’t just a business to them. It’s like an extension of their family. “Margaret and I are both 200% hands-on,” said Sherman. “It’s our personal business and we care so much. We want to ensure quality. It’s not just about pushing paper.” Sherman and Margaret were first introduced to Kumon when they saw their two young nieces doing worksheets at their kitchen counter more than 20 years ago. They were amazed at how they could do different operations of fractions at such a young age with the speed and accuracy of adults! That day, they decided that their son would also do Kumon when he reached the appropriate age. Three years later, they enrolled their four-year-old son at Kumon of Nutley. “We received a first-hand look at the Kumon philosophy when we saw how much our son benefited from the Kumon Method and the daily practice,” said Sherman. “The perseverance helped build our son’s study skills, work ethic, and confidence.” A few years down the road, the Instructor of Kumon of Nutley was looking for a Kumon family to take over the center. Sherman knew that he wanted to become a Kumon Instructor and help more families and students benefit from the program, but he wasn’t quite ready to leave his job as a lead network systems engineer at a major telecommunications company. Sherman’s brother-in-law decided to take over the Center as the Instructor and Margaret worked closely with him on the daily operations. Sherman helped out at the Center after work for four years and then officially took over the Center from his brother-in-law in 2014. Sherman’s 19 years with Kumonâ€"first as a Kumon Parent for nine years, then working in his brother-in-law’s Center for four years and now as a Kumon Instructor for five yearsâ€"gives him a unique perspective! He shares his experience with us below. What is it about being an Instructor that you enjoy the most? I have to say that the process of helping a student learn, improve and achieve! The transformation of a student into a confident, cheerful learner gives me so much joy and satisfaction. What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned as a Kumon Instructor? I think it’s the awareness that we as Instructors are in a position to change a student’s future, a family’s hope in their children and the future of our society. What achievements are you most proud of? Sometimes the smallest efforts can achieve the greatest results. Helping a student change his/her attitude towards learning, helping parents understand the importance of having a strong and solid foundation, and seeing the results of the joint effort and hard work. You might also be interested in: Instructor Spotlight: Aoi Fujiyama Kumon Instructors: Small Business Owners, Franchisees, Educators Instructor Spotlight: Alex Tang Instructor Spotlight: Jennifer Ju Instructor Spotlight Sherman Liu Instructor Spotlight: Sherman Liu Meet Sherman and Margaret Liu. They are the proud owners of Kumon of Nutley (New Jersey). The minute that I walked into their Center, I immediately felt their dedication to not only their students, but also their community. Their Kumon Center isn’t just a business to them. It’s like an extension of their family. “Margaret and I are both 200% hands-on,” said Sherman. “It’s our personal business and we care so much. We want to ensure quality. It’s not just about pushing paper.” Sherman and Margaret were first introduced to Kumon when they saw their two young nieces doing worksheets at their kitchen counter more than 20 years ago. They were amazed at how they could do different operations of fractions at such a young age with the speed and accuracy of adults! That day, they decided that their son would also do Kumon when he reached the appropriate age. Three years later, they enrolled their four-year-old son at Kumon of Nutley. “We received a first-hand look at the Kumon philosophy when we saw how much our son benefited from the Kumon Method and the daily practice,” said Sherman. “The perseverance helped build our son’s study skills, work ethic, and confidence.” A few years down the road, the Instructor of Kumon of Nutley was looking for a Kumon family to take over the center. Sherman knew that he wanted to become a Kumon Instructor and help more families and students benefit from the program, but he wasn’t quite ready to leave his job as a lead network systems engineer at a major telecommunications company. Sherman’s brother-in-law decided to take over the Center as the Instructor and Margaret worked closely with him on the daily operations. Sherman helped out at the Center after work for four years and then officially took over the Center from his brother-in-law in 2014. Sherman’s 19 years with Kumonâ€"first as a Kumon Parent for nine years, then working in his brother-in-law’s Center for four years and now as a Kumon Instructor for five yearsâ€"gives him a unique perspective! He shares his experience with us below. What is it about being an Instructor that you enjoy the most? I have to say that the process of helping a student learn, improve and achieve! The transformation of a student into a confident, cheerful learner gives me so much joy and satisfaction. What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned as a Kumon Instructor? I think it’s the awareness that we as Instructors are in a position to change a student’s future, a family’s hope in their children and the future of our society. What achievements are you most proud of? Sometimes the smallest efforts can achieve the greatest results. Helping a student change his/her attitude towards learning, helping parents understand the importance of having a strong and solid foundation, and seeing the results of the joint effort and hard work. You might also be interested in: Instructor Spotlight: Aoi Fujiyama Kumon Instructors: Small Business Owners, Franchisees, Educators Instructor Spotlight: Alex Tang Instructor Spotlight: Jennifer Ju

College Application Essay - Free Help? Or How To Get Past The First Section of Your College Application?

College Application Essay - Free Help? Or How To Get Past The First Section of Your College Application?Can a college application tutor really help? For most students, it's too difficult to get past the first section of an application without help. But is that help necessary? Or, is there a simpler way to get through the application process without asking for extra help?The answer to both questions is yes. There are many college application essay tutors who offer their services free of charge. You can always find a free or low cost essay book on the Internet. Or, you can ask a friend or colleague to help you write your essay and then you can pay for that service.One thing to be careful about when you decide to use a college application essay tutor is that they might offer their services for the wrong reason. Sometimes, this is where they come in handy. So make sure that you ask them for a formal academic degree before you use their services.Another common mistake is that you might hi re someone who charges more than you would have had you written your own essay. Remember, the essay tutor you're using should be able to write the essay for you, not someone else. It's really hard to research on your own, so let a professional writer to help you out with this process.A good college application essay tutor doesn't mean that they can only help you with grammar rules. They will help you formulate questions and write a powerful essay that shows you are a smart student.Make sure you ask the essay tutor for some type of sample essays that they have used before. If they don't have any experience in writing them, this is a red flag. If they offer to send you a sample and you look at it, don't take their word for it. essay This is because your professor may write it first or the college admissions officer might want to see an essay first. There is no reason to trust that someone you just met or an acquaintance that has never worked for you before can write your essay. By usi ng a professional essay writer, you'll save yourself time and money, which you'll probably be spending on college application essay writing.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Is Nuclear Radiation Chemistry As Easy As You Think?

Is Nuclear Radiation Chemistry As Easy As You Think?If you are researching the effects of radiation on human health and want to become a radiation chemist, you will quickly find that there is a wealth of information available online. While there are hundreds of websites devoted to this field, what you find most frequently is information. This is great news for you, but beware: some of what you read may be misleading or just downright wrong.First, you need to understand that it's quite common for individuals to think that the 'dangerous isotopes' of radon gas are the actual ones that are responsible for cancer. The problem is that people don't know anything about this. It's true that some forms of radon gas are formed from radioactive decay of other radionuclides, but the concentration is so low that even then there's no guarantee that you'll actually contract cancer.In fact, there are many types of isotopes and a lot of differences between them. As a general rule, radon isotopes are often used in decontamination activities. When the liquid mix is first poured into the treatment tanks, the liquid is dissolved in it by the process of sublimation. The liquid passes through many layers of plates and even layers of filters before it reaches the main treatment tanks.In some cases, the liquid is extracted by the decontamination process into streams or solid sludge which are placed on the ground. The liquid is then sent through a series of additional filters which reduce the concentration of the radionuclide.The problem here is that this process is too cumbersome, and there is not enough funding to carry out all the various processes. In addition, some isotopes are more effective than others at reducing the concentration of the radionuclide. So, while decontamination could be beneficial, the major benefit comes from the reduction of exposure levels.So, you need to realize that nuclear radiation chemistry isn't quite as simple as it may appear. There is a big difference between the results of isotope removal and this kind of radiation research, as you can probably tell from the variety of disinformation which you will find online.So, be sure to do your research before deciding to move forward. It's certainly possible to make a substantial income from doing nuclear radiation chemistry, but it's a very specialized field and any knowledge that you acquire won't be widely available online.

A Day in the Life at University of California, Davis

A Day in the Life at University of California, Davis The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Kandace is a San Francisco tutor specializing in ACT prep tutoring, Literature tutoring, Writing tutoring, and many other areas. She earned Bachelors degrees in both English Literature and Psychology in 2013 from University of California, Davis. See what she had to say about University of California, Davis: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Kandace: University of California, Davis has a student population of about 34,000, and the population of the city is roughly 65,000. Since half of the towns population is comprised of students, the town takes special care to cater to them. The campus and the town are incredibly safe. I never felt threatened, even when alone late at night. Bike theft is one of the most common crimes at the university (locks and bike chains are a must!). University of California, Davis prides itself on being a bike-friendly town. The streets are wide, the speed limits are low, the town is small, and there are no hills (just slight inclines). With that said, the campus is large. Many students ride bikes from class to class, especially if they have short breaks between classes. However, I found that once you start taking major-specific classes, the classrooms will usually be close together. The buses run on time and cover the whole city. You can ride the bus for free with a valid student ID. There is als o a taxi service that runs from 10:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. It will pick you up from a specific place and take you to a specific destination. Student safety is a high priority. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Kandace: All professors and teaching assistants hold regular office hours, usually multiple times per week. Most professors are willing to schedule appointments if a student is unable to attend their office hours. Academic advisers are slightly harder to meet with, depending on the size of the major and the time of year. I suggest making an appointment. Before meeting with your academic adviser, look at all your general education and major requirements, as well as your unofficial transcript. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Kandace: I lived in the Tercero dorms, which were newly built. They were clean and housed two students comfortably. Tip: loft your bed and use the space underneath for storage. The different dorm sections (Segundo, Tercero, and Cuarto) are in no way centrally located on the campus. If you have a bike, this is not a problem. The dining halls provide a wide variety of meal optionsincluding vegan- and vegetarian-friendly! Every dorm section has its own dining hall. My dorm had a lounge with a television, as well as a designated study area. I was shy my freshman year, but I still found it easy to meet people. It is important to remember that everyone is out of their comfort zone when they move away to college. Some people might have friends from high school, but for the most part, everyone is eager to make new friends. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Kandace: I studied English Literature and Psychology. I studied Psychology simply because I am fascinated by the subject matter. I studied English Literature because I could spend every day of my life reading and writing, and I would be perfectly happy. I want to take this opportunity to mention that at University of California, Davis, it is easy to double major with hard work and strong organizational skills. The university practices the quarter system, and classes are easy to get into. The general education requirements are not overbearing. The English Literature program is much smaller than the Psychology program, so it is slightly easier to get advising appointments. As I said earlier, professors and teaching assistants are easy to reach out to. I always felt supported. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Kandace: It is not hard to meet people at University of California, Davis. There are plenty of activities that provide a way to meet people with common interests. There are also club and intramural sports teams. I joined the rugby team freshman year (having never played it), and I met some wonderful people, including my roommate for two years. Greek life plays a moderate role in the campus social life. I had no interest in joining a sorority, but if it interests you, it is available. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Kandace: The Internship and Career Center does active on-campus recruiting. It is easy to access its services, and to my knowledge you can utilize it for a year after you graduate. Many professors do research on campus, and it is relatively easy to find an internship in an on-campus lab. I did an internship in a social psychology lab for a year. Basically, if you send enough emails, you can get an internship. There are also internship and career fairs in the fall, winter, and spring. They provide a good opportunity to talk directly to employers. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Kandace: There are plenty of places to study at University of California, Davis. Most dorms have quiet designated study rooms. The library is huge, and it has multiple study spaces on every floor. You can also snag a meeting room if you want to have a study group. The union is also a great place to study. There is a quiet room on the first floor with tables, couches, outlets, and a fireplace. Tip: there is also an art room upstairs, which not many people know about. It has tables, couches, and outlets. If you want to study outside, the wireless internet at University of California, Davisis far-reaching. You can study on the quad or in the arboretum (the arboretum is beautiful a must-see). If you would rather study off-campus, there are coffee shops and bars that offer free internet. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Kandace: Again, Davis is a small town. It is as fun or as boring as you make it. The downtown area of the city is right next to campus. It is comprised mostly of independent stores, restaurants, coffee shops, and bars. The Mondavi Center and Freeborn Hall host concerts, plays, and other performances. There is a farmers market on Wednesdays and Saturdays in the park downtown, which you must attend! There is amazing produce, meat, prepared food, and live music (on Saturdays). Since it is a small town, students get creative. The co-ops host parties frequently that include live music or DJ sets. With that said, my college social experience is defined by nights spent sitting around my backyard fire pit, hosting dinner parties, study sessions, poetry readings, and movie nights. Your friends will become your family. You depend on each other for all sorts of things, including entertainment. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Kandace: University of California, Davis has a relatively large student population. Class sizes greatly depend on your major, as well as the particular class within that major. For example, my Cognitive Psychology class (taken by most Psychology majors) was in a large lecture hall, but my Human Memory course was small (about 30 people). My English classes were much smaller overall than my Psychology courses. I was generally pleased with my class sizes. I never felt as though the class size negatively affected my ability to learn the material. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Kandace: In a poetry course my junior year, the professor started the class by exclaiming, POETRY! What is it? And how do we read it? Youll have to excuse mecoffee is the elixir of life, but apparently Ive had too much this morning. The class laughed hysterically. In the next ten weeks, this man completely transformed the way I read and thought about poetry. He was kind, thoughtful, and encouraged student participation. His passion for the subject matter inspired almost every student in that class. This is the type of eccentricity and enthusiasm I started to expect from my English professors at University of California, Davis. Check out Kandaces tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Online Tutoring Growth

Online Tutoring Growth The main reason for the sudden growth of online tutoring lies in the fact that educational institutions now encourage their students to use these services. Earlier the established and traditional sector in education frowned upon the growing trend of students seeking help from online tutoring. The world itself is changing with the spread of the internet. Laptops, tablets and electronic pads have made the net an easily accessible resource. Surfing the net has become a part of life for every student. This is another reason for the sudden popularity of online tutoring with students. These tutorials are a rich amalgam of text and audio-video tutorials. Some experts are quoting an enormous figure in calculating the total global value of online tutoring. This is in the region of 12 billion dollars. An online tutor is like having a fairy godmother or godfather answering all difficult questions. He or she is available at times convenient for you. The best format for this educational medium is the video chat. Within a few days the online tutor becomes a friend and guide for the student. One of the extraordinary reasons for the popularity of online tutoring is that it can be made available to everyone including people who are sitting in remote corners of the world. You do not waste precious time in driving to and from a private tutor’s location. Cost is naturally a big factor in the popularity of this new generation method of learning. It is many times more economical than hiring a private tutor. The entire world is available to you for selecting the right tutor. The availability of tutors in different time zones of the world is also a positive point. Maybe you are a night person and love to study at night. Then you can find the right tutor in some part of the world who is just perfect for your time slot. The World Wide Web also allows you to select the best tutor in your subject. Online tutoring companies have specialist tutors in subjects like Geography, History, English, Chemistry, Physics, Archaeology, Anatomy, Medicine, Biology, Botany and many others. There are now no limits to your learning horizons because of the availability of knowledgeable tutors. The growth of this form of learning is also due to the versatile nature of formats available to you. You can do a video chat or send an email detailing your questions. You will have all the answers within a short time. Some schools even advise students to get their submission papers polished by online experts before submitting for class assignment deadlines. The wide variety of online tutoring agencies also makes it available to all budgets and all spectrum of society. The success of this educational support is also owed to the positive word of mouth feedback from students and teachers. Teachers are surprised by the positive effect of online tutoring on their students. This is the main reason for the sudden positive response from teachers who earlier looked down upon external online educational support. The present popularity of tutoring on the internet also shows the possibility of an educational system in the future which will rely more on virtual rather than physical presence in schools and colleges. Online Tutoring Growth The main reason for the sudden growth of online tutoring lies in the fact that educational institutions now encourage their students to use these services. Earlier the established and traditional sector in education frowned upon the growing trend of students seeking help from online tutoring. The world itself is changing with the spread of the internet. Laptops, tablets and electronic pads have made the net an easily accessible resource. Surfing the net has become a part of life for every student. This is another reason for the sudden popularity of online tutoring with students. These tutorials are a rich amalgam of text and audio-video tutorials.

Tips for Open Mic 3 Ways Guitarists Can Shine

Tips for Open Mic 3 Ways Guitarists Can Shine Suzy S. Guitarists, are you ready to hit the stage at a local open mic? Polish your performance with these tips from guitar teacher Samuel B. Performing (like songwriting) is a craft at which any dedicated musician can excel. It requires no prerequisites â€" only the desire to share your talent and creations. My high school music teacher once said Thomas Edison misappropriated the original purpose of music by inventing machinery to record it â€" that nothing can replace your experience of seeing it live. Your interplay with the audience is actually the most important component of your performance. Here are three tips for open mic performances that will help you connect with your audience. Make Eye Contact Most of us are familiar with the term “stage fright.” Even Frank Sinatra admitted to regularly trembling during his walk up to the microphone. You might even have been advised to “pretend that the audience isnt there.” However, as a performer your job is to create a bond with the audience â€" not ignore them. In fact, for each song you play, you should be making eye contact with at least three different people in your audience. The audience needs to understand your music on an emotional level. In other words, theyve come to have an experience and are trusting you to provide them one. Consider what kind of experience you want to give them. Do you want them to feel welcome and appreciated? Do you want to make them laugh? Do you want to involve them in the music in any way? If so, how? Be aware that they dont have to know that youve just forgotten a word and had to make up a new one on the spot. They dont even have to know that you just played a wrong chord. Music is a fluid form of art that (in my experience) has more to do with conveying thoughts and emotions than it does with flawless recitation. You want to reach people on thinking and feeling levels, not show them how perfectly you can hold a piece together. If youre new to the guitar and are playing a piece that requires you to keep on eye on your left hand while on stage, practice alternating eye contact between your hands and your audience. Find one person whos looking at you and look back for a few seconds. See if you can feel a connection being made. A nod or smile helps. After a few more chord changes, find someone else and do the same. A little acknowledgment here and there goes a long way! Read the Room Hearing applause is an obvious indication of the audiences engagement with you. So is whether or not they have their heads turned towards you and are perhaps even smiling.  The closer the audience can physically get to you, the deeper their connection to you as a performer generally is. Keep an eye out for signs of this connection and use it to your advantage â€" particularly if youre new to performing. Unless youre a seasoned veteran of the instrument, I dont recommend attempting to play complicated arrangements during your set. Ive been a guitarist for over twenty-five years, and I sometimes play two-chord songs live. Playing material that feels comfortable for you allows you to focus out on your audience and read their reactions to your performance. Choose songs for open mics that give you opportunities to connect. Go With the Flow If your audience is clearly focused you and your music, you may decide that its time for a ballad or an original song thats especially important to you. If their focus seems to be drifting, you may decide to switch gears to a fast, high-energy type of number to draw them back in. Some performers prepare set lists but adhere to them only loosely. Bruce Springsteens three or four-hour concert marathons have been known to begin with a pre-planned list of songs and then continue way past them. My favorite example here is Richie Havens who chose his opening number before hitting the stage and then let the rest of the act unfold on its own. Ive copied this model in my own act and highly recommend it! As a performer, dont concern yourself with showing an audience how well you play, sing, and plan. Thats what your daily guitar practice time is for. Once you are on stage, focus on making connections with your audience and having fun! If you want even more tips about performing and playing the guitar, working with a private guitar teacher is the the best way to expand your skills. Search for your guitar teacher now! Samuel B. teaches beginner  guitar lessons in Austin, TX. He teaches lessons face-to-face without sheet music, which is his adaptation of Japanese instruction (involving a call-and-response method).  Learn more about Samuel here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  Gordon Dionne